Welcome to ‘NFL Shenanigans,’ where every week I'll be making fun of the sport we lurve. For my first column, I decided to explore my musical side by putting together something I think we can all agree the NFL has needed for some time: a preseason the...

“The WAG lifestyle is extremely glamorous. You know, it’s private jets, vacations, parties, photo shoots, black cards. You name it, you got it.” -- a WAG. NFL players today suffer from somewhat of an image problem. As a wife to a reti...

Tim Tebow returned to the NFL last Sunday, playing most of the second half of the Eagles’ preseason game against the Colts. Never ones to miss a story we have no choice but to cover, we at The Football Girl watched the game and pulled some reactions off...

Preseason football is known for two things: first, terrible football; and second, the time when the twos and threes play terrible football. For backup quarterbacks, however, preseason is the time of year when they get to hit the field without someone havi...
NFL players openly enter political arena By: The Football Girl If you think the football season is long, just take a look at the political season. Usually those two are completely separate entities; with most players acting like po...
Letter to Sports Bars Dear Sports Bar Owners who offer the Sunday Ticket and their employees who work on Sundays, Thank you for existing. The very idea of you is heaven on earth for us fantasy football geeks. Those beautiful televisions depic...
Like so many of you, The Wise Guy hates the NFL offseason. Particularly this offseason. So, as advised by his sports (fan) psychologist, The Wise Guy will stop spending his days staring at the blank Sunday Ticket channel and start the healing process, ...
Welcome to another rendition of “Positively Gruden,” where I break down the top compliments, congratulations, and canoodling from America’s favorite fawning former coach. Monday night featured two weary competitors that have become shells of their...
Am I allowed to say c'mon man! to Monday Night Countdown’s weekly C'mon Man segment? It’s only because I look forward to the segment so much that last night’s was such a disappointment. The phrase has become entrenched into my daily lexicon in r...