“What’s next?” President Josiah Bartlett, The West Wing I retired from gymnastics at age 18, after 15 years of training (10 competing). My body was tired and I knew that my academic major (athletic training) would preclude me from compe...
Leah Washington, PhD, ATC is a certified athletic trainer and a sport psychology consultant. She has worked with athletes of all ages, from youth to professional, on improving their mental game and specializes in working with injured athletes. She is a life-long fan of the Washington Football Team, so if you want to get her anything for Hanukkah, a Doug Williams jersey will do just fine.
“What’s next?” President Josiah Bartlett, The West Wing I retired from gymnastics at age 18, after 15 years of training (10 competing). My body was tired and I knew that my academic major (athletic training) would preclude me from compe...
“Just focus!” –Literally every coach you’ve ever had in every sport you’ve ever played. We have been told to focus so many times. By coaches, parents, teachers, ourselves. We forget though, that this is a skill we can improve at, no...
“I wanted to win the award for those guys, because they put in a lot of work behind the scenes.” –Jordy Nelson on (briefly) thanking his athletic trainers during his Comeback Player of the Year Award speech, 2017 “We are...
Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.-- Lou Holtz If I asked you how m...
“Not that I give a fuck about football or about your superstitions, but if it’s me reading the signs, I don’t send the Eagles guy whose personal motto is ‘Excelsior’ to a fucking Giants game, especially when he’s already in a legal situat...