Fantasy Football Mock Drafts: Introducing the Draft Wizard

To help you have your most successful draft yet, we have partnered with the good folks at Fantasy Pros and are pleased to introduce you to their phenomenal Draft Wizard.

This free service allows you to mock in minutes – literally. You make a pick and then the wizard automatically fills in the other “teams” by using a consensus of expert analysis.  So you’re always up!

In addition to basic drafting there is an assistant to help you rationalize your picks, an easy-to-use cheat sheet creator and, perhaps the most useful tool, a draft analyzer.  Yes, you will have an expert evaluate your current draft strategy.

There are an abundance of draft tools on the market and I have avoided shilling for any of them until now.  The Draft Wizard is such a better use of time versus engaging in a long email mock draft that after 30 days of someone being on the clock you simply don’t care about anymore.

Give this awesome dose of draft preparation a shot. I promise you won’t regret it.

The easiest way to prepare for your draft.
Fast. No waiting for opponents to pick.
Fun. Draft against the top fantasy experts.
Free. You don’t even have to register.

Fantasy Football Mock Drafts powered by FantasyPros