TFG Pod: Meet the Woman Turning NFL Players Vegan
The Football Girl Podcast is proudly hosted by Melissa Jacobs. Support us by subscribing and leaving a good rating and review on iTunes. Listen to the TFG on the podcast service of your choice including: Stitcher|Soundcloud|Castbox|Spotify
Melissa opens this episode of The Football Girl Podcast by dissecting the big NFL news from the annual Owner’s Meeting – no not Andy Reid’s Hawaiian shirt, the expansion of instant reply! (5:47) Will it bring more integrity to the football? Melissa expresses much skepticism based on precedent. She also dissects a few of her favorite quotes from the head coaches breakfast. (10:06)
Then…Tom Brady eats a mostly plant-based. Cam Newton gave up meat in February. They are just the beginning. Meet Chef Charity Morgan who is trying to turn the entire NFL onto a diet free of meat and dairy.
Anyone with a growling tummy might might to fast-forward past the beginning of the conversation as Charity describes her mouth-watering loaded vegan nachos. (14:41) Charity then takes us through her culinary journey, that includes a stint at Le Cordon Bleu Academy, (18:54) and why she started making plant-based meals for her 6’4”, 267-pound husband, Titans LB Derrick Morgan. (24:67).
She also shines a light on the deep competitive edge NFL players are constantly seeking, (39:46) which is why many of Derrick’s Titans teammates have followed his plant-based lead. Being a vegan in Nashville comes with its challenges and Charity explains the challenges of both trying to coalesce her plant-based diet with the Titans’ more traditional meat and potatoes nutrition (37:02) and being plant-based in the South. (48:28) Speaking of plant-based, Charity also clarifies the difference between plant-based and veganism and why her family is a hybrid called Plegan. (56:53)
For more on plant-based diets, including a number of delectable recipes, check out Charity’s website.
To discuss this episode or any episode of The Football Girl Podcast, find Melissa (frequently) on Twitter.